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Arimed 311 Röhren-where to buy it


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my name is David and I live in Poland. I don't know German language that's way I'm writing in english. I hope you can help me nevertheless.

I suffer from psoriasis about 20 years (now I am 28) and the only therapy which is effective to me is phototerapy.

I'm searching an address of a company or shop where a would be able to buy Arimed 311 lamps (only "Röhren", not whole appliance) somewhere near the polisch border like Berlin for example.

I would be very grateful for any addresses.

Mit freundlichen Grussen, David from Poznan.

email: davidoski@o2.pl

Erfahrungen austauschen über das Leben mit Schuppenflechte und Psoriasis arthritis

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HI ,

as I know Philips TL/01, Arimed B311 and Waldmann UV01, 100 W are producing them and it is hard to get them single, but you could try to contact the maker of complete units for some sapre parts lamps.

Try: Dr. Hoehnle, Waldmann,

Check the internet by google.

Or check http://www.metec-muenchen.de/preise.html

Schmalband-UVB-Lampe 311nm 100 Watt (nur für Modell UV1500TL) 931520* 110,--

* + EURO 40,- für packing, transport, insurance

good luck.


  • 2 weeks later...

Thanx a lot for your answer.

I've found a list of companies which produce such appliances in Germany.

Maybe it will be helpful for someone. Here it is:

Anbieter von UV-Geräten:

• A.L.T. Lichttherapietechnik GmbH

Thura Mark 10, 06780 Zörbig

Telefon 0349 56 200 56, Fax 0349 59 200 53

• Cosmedico Licht GmbH

Kölner Straße 8, 70376 Stuttgart

Telefon 0711 54 00 40, Fax 0711 54 00 455

• Dr. K. Hönle Medizintechnik GmbH

Viktor-Frankl-Straße 20, 86913 Kaufering bei Landsberg

Telefon 081 91 30 55 50, Fax 081 91 30 555 50

eMail: medizin@drhoenle.de, Webseite: www.drhoenle.de

• Dr. Kern GmbH

Adolf-Weiß-Straße 43, 35759 Driedorf

Telefon 027 75 82 60, Fax 027 75 7283

• medilux Lichttherapieservice

Stammheimerstr.43, 70825 Korntal - Münchingen

Telefon 0711 80 91 30 60, Fax 0711 80 91 30 69

eMail: info@medilux.de, Webseite: www.medilux.de

• Medizin. Techn. GmbH

Klenzestraße 57c, 80469 München

Telefon 089 22 72 71, Fax 089 22 60 30

• Saalmann GmbH

Werrestraße 94, 32049 Herford

Telefon 052 21 20 44, Fax 052 21 27 235

• TTS Products & Service GmbH

Wunderwaldstraße 2, 99518 Bad Sulza

Telefon 036 461 92 882, Fax 036 461 92 885

• Ultrasun M. Freytag

Tannenstraße 8, 82049 Pullach

Telefon 089 79 38 786, Fax 089 79 38 776

eMail: m.freytag-ultrasun@t-online.de

Webseite: www.ultrasun-uv-lichtkamm.de

• Herbert Waldmann GmbH

Peter-Henlein-Straße 5, 78056 Schwenningen

Telefon 077 20 60 10, Fax 077 20 60 12 90

and the link: http://www.psoriasis-forum-berlin.de/berlin_bestrahlung.html

Best regards, David.

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